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WebEC is an online window to the world of Clearsons. We provide you with online order entry routines, product images and much more. The look of the window is customised for you, expressing your company's own individuality and family feel to users.  WebEC provides Product Catalogue information. Product information is viewed in easy to read table form with drop down menu access.

Once an order has been placed, you can check the Order Status. The sequence in which orders are listed is user definable as well. Once viewed, you can use drop down menu's into the Order Detail page for more information on any order. Using the Track It button you will see up-to-the-minute delivery information. All routines are integrated to a security database. This assures that access is controlled and authorised and that the person placing the order has the clearance to do so. Orders are acknowledged automatically back to you by e-mail and the Picking Tickets print out in our warehouse.  Print / Label Management Reporting is also completely customisable. You can view or print reports including:

  1. Warehouse Release

  2. Inventory Valuation

  3. Cost centre spend

  4. Detailed Usage Trend Analysis

  5. and much more...

© Clearsons Ltd, 2008

Tel: 01420 594 400

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